The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

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ALEC shows Kentucky's issue with the EPA is a matter of state sovereignty

kentucky energy equation

The Bluegrass Institute isn't the only free market group catching on to the fact that Kentucky's grievances with the EPA is actually a matter of state sovereignty and federal overreach. As is evident by the title of the American Legislative Exchange Council's (ALEC's) newest report on energy and the environment, so does ALEC.

According to the report, titled "the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Assault on State Sovereignty," the unilateral practice of replacing cooperative federalism with federal command and control when it comes to our energy sector is running rampant throughout the current administration . (As if Kentuckians weren't already aware.)

In fact, in President Obama's first term as president alone, there were more regulatory disapprovals and regulatory takeovers than in the previous three presidential terms combined. Look no further than the 40 or so mining permits in Kentucky currently being delayed by our federal masters - a delay costing more than 4,000 mining jobs - for some down-home proof.

Obama's EPA has also practiced the deceitful art of "sue and settle" more than the previous three administrations combined, by a score of 48 to 30. Add these stats to Obama's recent promises to shut down coal-fired power plants via executive orders concerning carbon emissions and it becomes crystal clear that Kentucky is truly in the cross-hairs.

You can find the full ALEC report here.