The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

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A better tax-rebate idea for ALL tourism projects -- not just the Ark Park

Ark Encounter, which operates Noah’s Ark – a religious theme park slated to open in Williamstown in 2016 – likely will seek tax rebates from the incoming Bevin administration that it was denied by the outgoing Beshear administration.

Instead of Frankfort picking winners and losers, I asked in this Bluegrass Beacon column on the issue: “Shouldn’t state government just grant the same rebate to all companies creating tourism projects in the commonwealth?”

If Frankfort defends granting tax rebates to the Christian park, what will it do “if a group of zealous Muslims applied for a similar rebate for a park with the world’s largest monument to Mohammed? How many of those same people who defend the Ark park receiving tax rebates granted by the state because they believe in its message also would back a Muslim project benefitting from the same kind of break?”

Denying the Ark Park tax rebates because of its Christian message is absolutely wrong. But wouldn’t denying the same rebates for a similar project with a non-Christian theme be just as wrong?

So rather than granting tax rebates on a piecemeal basis -- including to the Ark Park -- let's grant them to all companies creating tourism projects in the commonwealth.

Heck, all Kentucky companies and individuals need tax relief!