The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

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Bluegrass Energy Report key evidence for this Tuesday's upcoming debate.

kentucky energy equation

Sens. Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell aren't the only ones providing Kentuckians with the type of tools necessary to protect our energy sector from the EPA's unilateral mandates - so is the Bluegrass Institute.

This coming Tuesday in Louisville, Jim Waters, President of the Bluegrass Institute will argue for the Intrastate Coal and Use Act, a bill which would guarantee to Kentuckians sovereignty over the one-third of all Kentucky coal that is mined, sold, and used exclusively within the borders of the commonwealth. Such commonsense and constitutional defenses are what we need in the commonwealth if we are to succeed in fending off the federal behemoth that is the EPA.

And we need these weapons now more than ever.

Last year alone, Kentuckians lost more than 4,000 coal mining jobs or 22 percent of mining employment. Eastern Kentucky and Appalachian miners were explicitly targeted by the EPA, and experienced a 30 percent decline in employment. Overall, mining production in the commonwealth was down by 91.4 million pounds.

No doubt, Jim Waters will reference a new report from the Bluegrass Institute that shows how - in no small part due to EPA regulation - energy prices are set to increase by 20 percent over the next ten years. These increases in energy costs will not only be a direct burden on Kentucky families, they'll also chase business from the commonwealth, which relies so heavily on low energy and operating costs to lure industry to set up shop.

So come on out to 2825 Lexington Road in Louisville, KY at 6 PM to voice your support for the Intrastate Coal and Use Act.