The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

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Bluegrass Institute joins coalition, speaks out against EPA overreach

The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions was part of a non-partisan coalition that sent a letter to Environmental Protection Agency administrator Lisa Jackson expressing concern over the precedent that a pending decision about mining permits could set.

The letter was sparked by a pending decision by the EPA about whether or not to allow mineral exploration in Alaska.

We understand that a Section 404(c) Clean Water Act action to preempt the possible creation of a mining project in Alaska is being considered by the EPA. We are very concerned about the possible precedent that would be set by vetoing (or conditioning) such a mine or development project by the EPA, particularly in advance of a request for permit.

The letter address EPA overreach...

Premature judgment and action by the EPA is cause for great concern, not just in Alaska, but across the country. Interested stakeholders should be able to gather information about the potential impacts of a mining plan, the potential economic effects, and the true risks of mining development near their communities once an actual plan has been proposed.

You can read the full letter here.

Whether it is picking winners and losers in the energy market, unpredictable regulations, or even the chain reaction the regulatory agency's actions can have, the intrusion of the EPA on business in Kentucky is something that the Bluegrass Institute has consistently spoken out against.