The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

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Christian Medi-Share program under seige in Frankfort

Give the Kentucky Senate credit for easily passing legislation that would allow the Christian-based Medi-Share program to continue to operate in Kentucky.

Currently, 750 Kentuckians voluntarily utilize this program, which offers them a cheaper option than private health insurance. Yet apparently, there are some state government forces that want to take this option away from these very few citizens.

Thirty-five of the Senate's 38 members voted for Senate Bill 3, which has been sent to the House Banking and Insurance Committee.

Rep. Jeff Greer, D-Brandenburg, apparently is caving to pressure from Kentucky Department of Insurance bureaucrats to let the idea of exempting religious organizations from the department's regulatory web die in his committee.

Of course, these nannies won't come right out and say they are opposed to allowing Kentucky Christians to continue participating in this program. But common sense tells us that this is just one more way for government to control our health-care system.

By the way, whatever happened to Obamacare's promise that: If you like the current coverage you have, you may keep it?

Somebody should call 1-800-372-7181 and ask Greer why he's picking on Medi-Share Christians by not giving legislation that would protect their freedoms a hearing in his committee? While you're at it, call that number and tell ALL of Frankfort's politicians: "Leave Medi-Share Christians -- all Christians, heck all Kentuckians -- alone."