The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

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Debate set for May 21 with state sovereignty over Kentucky's energy sector on the line

On Tuesday, May 21, Jim Waters, the President of the Bluegrass Institute, will take on Tom Fitzgerald, director of the Kentucky Resources Council, in a debate over which entity is best equipped to oversee the costs and benefits of the commonwealth’s energy sector: mid-Atlantic bureaucrats at the EPA, or informed and concerned Kentucky citizens.

WHAT: Debate on the Intrastate State Coal and Use Act, hosted by TACKLE

WHO: Jim Waters, President of the Bluegrass Institute, and Tom Fitzgerald, Director of Kentucky Resources Council

WHEN: Tuesday, May 21 from 6 to 8:45 PM

WHERE: Heeren Hall, 2nd floor of Cooke Hall, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary at 2825 Lexington Road, Louisville, KY 40206

The Intrastate Coal and Use Act is a piece of model legislation sponsored by the Bluegrass Institute and unanimously approved by the American Legislative Exchange Council’s Task Force on Energy and the Environment. If passed, the bill would protect Kentucky’s constitutional rights to regulate all internal commerce, specifically any coal mining operations in which the coal is mined, sold, and used exclusively within the borders of the commonwealth.

Such a law would push the EPA monkey off our backs for the one-third of Kentucky coal that stays within the borders of the commonwealth, allow for a more sensible and locally-driven environmental program, restore thousands of mining jobs, and protect our majestic wildlife and waterways.

So come on out to this important discourse on May 21 and voice your support for Kentucky’s constitutional rights!