Education Commissioner: Kentucky committed to technology in schools
This past Friday, Kentucky Commissioner of Education Terry Holliday reconfirmed the Bluegrass State’s commitment to using technology in our schools. You can read his comments, which include information about a number of interesting technology tools, here.
By the way, one subject the commissioner didn’t cover was using digital learning to make summer course offerings more affordable to school districts. We know that a number of school districts did use digital learning for summer ‘credit recovery’ courses last year, but a number of other districts did not.
With funding getting tight in many schools around the state, digitally based summer courses could offer an affordable answer for helping our students stay on track for high school graduation. Without such economical approaches, some of our students might not have any opportunity to catch back up this summer.
If you or your child experienced summer digital learning last year, we’d like to hear about how that worked out. Also, if your school district isn’t planning to offer credit recovery this summer, you should contact your local board members to let them know that digital learning might be an answer. We’d be glad to help facilitate getting more districts on board with summer digital learning.
You can learn more about digital learning in our video series. The first three videos are available here
1. What is Digital Learning? from Bluegrass Institute on Vimeo.
2. Current state of Digital Learning? from Bluegrass Institute on Vimeo.
And here.
3. Biggest hurdles of Digital Learning? from Bluegrass Institute on Vimeo.