The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

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Harris v. Quinn: Right-to-work implications for Kentucky

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The Harris v. Quinn case decision was announced Monday by the Supreme Court. The verdict marks an important step in the march toward complete freedom for individual workers.

The 5-4 ruling specifically protects home healthcare workers from being forced to join a union or pay dues for an association that they are not -- and don't desire to be -- a part of.

While this is an important victory, it’s only a first step toward protecting all workers -- no matter their industries -- from being forced to join a labor union or pay dues.

This case should offer motivation for Kentucky policymakers to pass a right-to-work law in our state. Such legislation would prevent coercive labor membership and paying association fees, something the highest court in the land ruled cannot be done -- at least not to home healthcare workers.

Elaina Waters, BIPPS intern