The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

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How’s that, again? UK prof who fabricated research now teaches at a local school?

I had to read this one twice.

According to a December 17, 2012 article in The Scientist a University of Kentucky (UK) biomedical researcher:

“…was discovered to have falsified or fabricated 45 figures over the course of 10 years.”

That research related to cardiovascular disease and diabetes and was supposedly based on using special experimental mice, critters that actually didn’t even exist.

The Scientist says the researcher resigned when UK started investigating (seems to be a lot of resigning rather than facing the consequences going on right now).

The errant UK researcher agreed not to apply for federal research dollars for seven years (Wow! Why he would ever be allowed to apply again after seriously falsifying research, and who, if anyone, is monitoring this seven-year ban are questions for another time).But, here’s the kicker: Guess what this former UK misbehaver is doing now.

According to The Scientist:

“He now teaches chemistry at a local school.”

Egads!Could it be that someone at UK thinks having to teach in a Kentucky school is a punishment?