The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

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Jefferson County’s busing woes go on

JeffCo Busing Plan Rolling Over Parents - Kid

Drivers won’t even take more cash to do most challenging routes

The latest in the seemingly never ending saga of busing excesses in Jefferson County Public Schools is starting up again with the launch of another school year.

This time the issue is finding drivers to handle the district’s 50 worst bus routes. As one driver told WDRB:

"A challenging run consists of one bus driver with 50 plus kids that are out of control, crawling on the floors, jumping over seats, cussing, hitting other students, making obscene gestures, pulling pants down... You name it, they do it."

That situation led to only 13 well-qualified drivers willing to go for the extra money involved to drive these 50 routes. So, only about one in four of these routes will have the kind of driver they really need.

Maybe if Jefferson County gave up on the failed idea of busing and fixed problems within schools instead, things would work better.