The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

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Mike Cherry's new nickname

I don't normally read USA Today because they usually cover state stories from 30,000 feet, missing most if not all details. Such was the case when they flew over Kentucky's official inaction on pension reform.

The first tip-off that they didn't bother to look at the $27 billion (and growing) unfunded fringe benefits liability for public employees is that they only managed to scrape up the utterly clueless Rep. Mike Cherry for discussion of double-dipping.

On cue, Cherry worked up some level of pretended outrage for the record on one of the smallest parts of the benefits debacle:

Representative, I dub thee Mike "Absolutely Ludicrous" Cherry.

A few years from now when Rep. Cherry is retired and sucking up his own fat pension at home, Kentuckians paying his bills will have a few choice words for the cost and we won't be able to print them on a family blog like this.