The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

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Lead Education Reform

Since knowledge is the lifeblood of freedom, every Kentucky child must have a quality education. High college remediation rates and low test results provide dramatic evidence that our current public education system is not adequately preparing students for future success as employees, leaders and citizens. The current system needs to be removed and replaced in order to improve the unacceptable education being received by Kentucky students. Legislative meddling and the School-Based Decision-Making Councils must be replaced with policies that empower professional educators and managers, giving them ownership and holding accountable for learning results and the system that produces those outcomes.

Parents should be given the right to place their children in a school of their choice. We need education reform. The institute supports proven school-choice policies that have been successfully implemented in other states, including charter schools, tax credits and vouchers. The institute also supports allowing current inter-district transfer agreements and home schooling policies to continue and grow.