The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

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Small transparency step, giant Kentucky leap

Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson gained national attention today by announcing his office's willingness to post it's checkbook on the internet.

Indeed, the site is available (along with May's expenditures) right here.
Americans for Tax Reform's Grover Norquist said “on behalf of Kentucky taxpayers, I congratulate Secretary of State Grayson for taking the initiative to provide greater accountability by making expenditures available to public scrutiny. Taxpayers fund every expense made by government – they deserve to track exactly how their tax dollars are spent. Other agencies should follow Secretary Grayson’s example, and the legislature and Gov. Beshear should move swiftly to enact Rep. DeCesare’s spending transparency legislation.”

Rep. Jim DeCesare sponsored HB 105 in the 2008 General Assembly. The bill did not receive a floor vote.