Is the legislature to blame for higher gas taxes?

Governor Beshear is blaming the legislature for a gas tax increase.

Beshear took executive action last June to stop the broken road formula from raising taxes on Kentuckians. In response to the Governor's action, Senate President Stivers said, "(The) legislature looks forward to working with the governor to accomplish the goal of suspending any additional increase to the gas tax but doing so in a legal and proper fashion." 

The Bluegrass Institute has called on the legislature to freeze the gas tax and work during the interim to fix the road fund formula. Unfortunately, no action has been taken and Kentuckians are now facing higher gas prices as a result.

Now is the time for the Governor and the General Assembly to work together to FREEZE THE GAS TAX.  

Gas prices will almost certainly go up this summer, maybe even skyrocket. If that happens, does Frankfort want to answer for failing to act to protect Kentucky's families from higher gas prices?

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