The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

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Kentucky parent sues to block Common Core State Standards

Kentucky taxpayer, citizen and parent David Adams has filed a lawsuit in Franklin Circuit Court charging there was “illegal acceptance of Common Core State Standards and forbidding any continued action relating to same until such time as specific legislative approval is granted.”

Parties being sued by Adams include:

1. Steve Beshear, Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky,

2. Robert Stivers, Senate President of the Commonwealth of Kentucky,

3. Roger L. Marcum, Chairman of the Kentucky Board of Education,

4. Robert L. King, President of the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education and

5. Cassandra Webb, Chairwoman of the Education Professional Standards Board.

At the risk of oversimplification, it looks like the suit says that because the Kentucky Legislature is ultimately responsible for education but never voted as a body to approve Common Core and some of the related agreements with the US Department of Education, the adoption of Common Core was not legally performed.

The lawsuit lists no co-plaintiffs.

Note: Adams is a former Bluegrass Institute staff member but currently maintains no association with the institute.