Kentucky Right on Crime Director: The Good, the Bad and the Unknown about the 'Safer Kentucky Act'
Provided by Kentucky’s Voice
The Senate Judiciary Committee will meet today in a special called meeting to consider House Bill 5, the “Safer Kentucky Act,” a very large omnibus crime bill estimated to cost Kentucky taxpayers as much as a $1 billion over the next decade.
Joey Comley, Kentucky Right on Crime’s new director, joined me recently on The Station, the anchor show for Kentucky’s Voice, a new conservative media outlet.
Joey talked about his organization, which offers conservative criminal justice reform policies that balance reducing crime and restoring victims with reforming offenders and lowering taxpayer costs.
It’s also a balance seen in his analysis of the crime bill. Joey talks about what he likes about the bill, but also notes that several of its policy proposals need more study to determine their effectiveness and cost.
Watch that interview here.
See the Bluegrass Institute’s summary of the bill, including an analysis of each section, here.