KYTC awards two single-bid contracts, both under estimated project costs
The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet held two bid lettings in October. The results from the October 23 round were posted this week.KYTC awarded two single-bid contracts. Both bids came in below the engineer's estimate.
One bid appears to be a re-bid of a project from the August 21 letting. KYTC rejected Jim Smith Contracting's offer in August for a job at the intersection of US 641 and KY 402. That offer exceeded the cabinet's internal estimates by $136,741.
The company's 10/23 offer came in just under the engineer's estimate. Their winning bid was $87,322 less than their offer in August.
Jim Smith Contracting has been very successful in securing single-bid road contracts over the past year, including one bid that was $6.8 million in excess of the engineer’s estimate.
The other single bid awarded from the 10/23 letting went to Haydon Materials. Their bid for a Highway 55 project in Marion and Washington counties came in $397,001 under the engineer's estimate. The Bluegrass Institute first raised questions about KYTC's single-bid awards in a July letter to the Interim State & Local Government Committee.
Here is a link to the complete results from the 10/23 letting.