Legislative leadership on the right side of the budget debate

Gov. Andy Beshear argued in his State of the Commonwealth address for opening the budget to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on his priorities during the non-budget session.

Beshear's recommendation was met with appropriate skepticism from legislative leaders.

Sen. Chris McDaniel, chair of his chamber's A&R committee, told LinkNKY, "The Governor knows that any spending like he is talking about must be dealt with in a budget year. This plan reeks of political posturing for (his) race in November."

Senate President Robert Stivers said, "to start doing one-offs is a terrible (from a) policy standpoint." (Source: LinkNKY)

A quick review of the media's reporting on last night's speech didn't find a quote from House leaders on Beshear's spending plans. They have, however, consistently said there is no appetite for re-opening the budget in any significant way.

Odd-year sessions are non-budget sessions. Except for minor budget adjustments and possibly some additional relief for the devastation due to natural disasters, the budget should remain closed.

The legislature is taking the responsible position.

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