More on the top-performing Kentucky school districts in 2022 Grade 11 ACT testing

I wrote a few days back about a big surprise in the new data for ACT testing in Kentucky – some districts, despite COVID, had posted improvements in their ACT Composite Scores and now rank higher than the 2022 statewide average. The blog included a table similar to, but not the same as, this one, which adds information about the eligibility rate for the federal free and reduced cost school lunch program for each district.

I’ve also learned something else. I was able to contact staff members in 7 of the 10 districts, and while a number of different things were mentioned as contributing to these surprising results, one common theme emerged across all the districts – all pushed getting back to in-person classes as quickly as they could.

In one case, the governor of Kentucky tried to get in-person shut down, again, but the district held tight on staying open.

Based on a question raised by Olivia Krauth at the Courier-Journal, I added the school lunch eligibility information. Olivia thought all or at least most would be low-poverty school systems. As you can see, that isn’t the case.

In fact, out of the 10 districts, six have poverty rates above the statewide average and four have lower rates. That’s a fairly even division, so poverty doesn’t seem to be a factor here. Getting back into in-person was.

One more thought. The high-performing districts are found across Kentucky, though there is some concentration in the Southcentral area.

2019 ACT Data Here

2022 ACT Data and School Lunch Data Here