2015 General Assembly: Governor's Medicaid expansion 'promised something that we cannot deliver'



The 2015 session of the Kentucky General Assembly gets underway Tuesday with the swearing-in of lawmakers and beginning the process of electing leaders.

Gov. Steve Beshear's State of the Commonwealth on Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the House chambers will be among the week's highlights.

While the session is a non-budget, 30-day session, state Sen. Julie Raque Adams says "if you look at the pressure points on Kentucky, they're all budgetary," which means issues like the Kentucky Teachers Retirement System $14 billion unfunded liability and  the Medicaid expansion must be dealt with.

Beshear, who expanded Medicaid by executive fiat rather than legislative approval, "has promised something that we cannot deliver," Adams said.

"We continue to promise and over-promise and there’s actually no plan with how to pay for all of these things," she continued." And so, I for one don’t think it’s compassionate in the least sense to promise someone something that you can’t deliver on.”

Bluegrass Institute president Jim Waters joined Adams on Sunday's "Feedback" with host Tom Mitchell on Louisville's 970 WGTK-AM to talk about the upcoming legislative session.

Listen here.

[audio mp3="http://www.bipps.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Feedback.mp3"][/audio]