2016 ACT: KY Public School Only Achievement Gaps

We took a look last Wednesday at Kentucky’s ACT college entrance test achievement gaps computed across all the state’s students from public, private and home schools combined.

The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) also released some data about the Kentucky public school graduates’ 2016 ACT performance, and that data allows a limited (Composite Score Only) look at the white minus black achievement gaps in the state’s public school system over the past four test cycles.

This graph, based on data in KDE’s News Release 16-092, shows how that looks.

Composite Gaps by Year, KY Public Schools Only

Composite Gaps by Year, KY Public Schools Only

First note that the black graduates’ scores in 2016 increased from last year by 0.1 point and are up from 2013 by 0.5 point.

Whites didn’t improve compared to last year, their ACT Composite Score staying stagnant at 20.3. Whites did do 0.5 point better than Kentucky’s public school whites back in 2013.So, the ACT Composite gap remains unchanged from 2013 to 2016 even though whites stagnated in 2016 in Kentucky.

Unfortunately, we cannot tell you about the relative college readiness changes for whites and blacks as the very limited information from the Kentucky Department of Education didn’t include that data. We will have to wait until the Unbridled Learning report from 2016 comes out to get any idea about readiness gaps.

General Tech Notes:

ACT reports for 2016 are available here.

ACT reports from earlier years are available here.

The only Kentucky ACT data for 2016 for public schools is available here.