Again, feds fail at picking winners and losers in our energy markets
In the wake of this week's U.S. Court of Appeals decision to uphold the EPA's ability to unilaterally regulate greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel-fired power plants, a second striking instance of the ineffectiveness of "alternative energy sources" has hit mainstream news feeds.
Just as Solyndra, the solar panel manufacturer and darling of extreme environmentalists in D.C., flopped after swiping hundreds of millions of dollars of government support, Abound Solar has also gone belly up after receiving similar loan guarantees via tax payers like you and me. The federal government is about as adept at picking winners and losers in energy markets as Larry King is at picking life partners.
One would think our federal masters who pull the puppet strings at the EPA would finally give up on its pie-in-the-sky energy fantasies and face reality - that using the EPA as a weapon to suck the economic vitality out of fossil fuel industries like Kentucky coal only serves to break the backs of those communities that rely on coal and of those businesses that rely on fossil fuels for the cheap energy rates that bring affordable products to consumers.
Somehow, this is not the case, and the sovereignty of Kentucky's energy sector goes continually threatened.