Ally of the Bluegrass Institute on CBS Evening News

When discussing  the Bluegrass Institute's strongest new allies over the past year, one has to mention the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). The group works with state-based non-profit think tanks from all over the country to support limited government and free markets. They also work behind the scenes with state legislators to get sensible policies enacted promoting these sorts of libertarian ideals.

Most recently, ALEC's Energy and Environmental Task Force has been working with the Bluegrass Institute to fight the EPA's unilateral encroachment of our energy sector and Kentucky's 10th Amendment rights.

This past week, CBS Evening News met with Georgia State Senator Rip Rogers who also serves as treasurer for ALEC. In the face of recent criticism of ALEC's non-compromising defense of limited governments, Rogers came to the defense of his organization:

"It really is a shame that companies have to continually look over their shoulders to protect themselves from an onerous government. And I believe that these entities look at ALEC and say, 'Finally, there's an organization that's on the side of the employers.'"

The 25 new companies joining ALEC this year are a testament to the burdens that American business people feel government is placing on its citizens. And it's also a testament to ALEC's determination to fight it.

The Bluegrass Institute is proud to fight with ALEC in this important battle.