Bluegrass Institute Pension Reform Team presentation tonight in Northern Kentucky
BIPRT Bill Smith
Bluegrass Institute Pension Reform Team leader Dr. William Smith will present “Sound Solutions for Kentucky’s Pension Crisis” at tonight's meeting of the Northern Kentucky Tea Party at 7 pm at the Holiday Inn at 7905 Freedom Way in Florence.
While much of the discussion about pension policy has centered on legislative funding and investment returns, the Bluegrass Institute is calling policymakers and taxpayers to focus on the underlying cause of the $48 billion unfunded liability plaguing the commonwealth’s retirement systems.
This presentation was made recently to the state’s Public Pension Oversight Board and is drawing interest from around the commonwealth.
For a preview of this presentation and to hear some of the comments made by the Institute’s team at the PPOB, click here.
Q&A will be included as part of the presentation.
Please come and bring someone with you to hear this important presentation.
For more information on scheduling a Bluegrass Institute Pension Reform Team presentation, contact Bluegrass Institute President and CEO Jim Waters at or 859.444.5630.