Careful -- School Buses Rolling Again!
It's August, and Kentucky Department of Education News Release 18-115 reminds us that school buses are already rolling in some Kentucky school districts and soon will be on the road in every district in the state. So, it's a good time for drivers, parents and students to refresh on the laws regarding stopped school buses. The Kentucky Department of Education has a web page with all sorts of materials on school bus safety for both drivers and students.
One helpful example for auto drivers is this handy graphic, which shows most of the road configuration school bus situations found in the Bluegrass State. By the way, you might be surprised to learn that in some cases you can pass a stopped bus unloading students. Check the graphic for the details.
Kentuckians see kids injured every year around school buses, so take an extra minute to check out the rules of the road and get ready, because the buses are rolling -- and kids are kids.