Common Core testing problems surfacing again

FairTest Listing of States with Testing Problems to 4May15

FairTest Listing of States with Testing Problems to 4May15

The 2015 school testing season is really just now under way in many states, but problems with Common Core and other state testing have already hit nearly a third of all the states. Here is the listing of states reporting problems, which was assembled by FairTest as of May 4, 2015.Disruptions have led to postponements and even allegations of testing company breach of contract in Nevada.

Meanwhile, Kentucky testing is only now starting, with weather impacts from last winter likely causing delay of testing in a number of school districts. You see, under the provisions of Senate Bill 1 from the 2009 Regular Legislative Session:“(6) Beginning in the 2011-2012 academic year, each school district shall administer the statewide student assessment during the last fourteen (14) days of school in the district's instructional calendar. Testing shall be limited to no more than five (5) days.” (Enrolled Version of SB-1, 2009 Regular Session, Page 11).

So, testing here shouldn’t start until within the last two weeks of school, and with most schools now delaying closing until the very end of May or even June, it is still too early to know if Kentucky will have problems.

You can learn more from the FairTest web site here.