Correction: U of L board observed open meetings requirements

COG LOGOThe Bluegrass Institute Center for Open Government erroneously commented in a blog on the circumstances regarding Sunday’s meeting of the University of Louisville Board of Trustees to consider a presidential candidate.

The board deserves credit for observing open meetings requirements by giving proper notice of the meeting, admitting the public and convening and adjourning in open session, as well as citing state statute for going into closed session.

The blog misinterpreted a Courier-Journal article about the meeting and mistakenly stated that police prevented the public from attending. Instead, the police presence was to protect the applicant’s identity by preventing media and the public from having access to an entrance at the back of a building where the candidate entered and exited.

John Karman, the university’s media relations director, rightly stated in correcting us: “This is a closed search, and the finalists do not wish to be publicly identified. We are allowed to protect their identities.”

The blog has been removed.