Dick Innes to discuss the perils of Common Core State Standards at CHEK



Today the Bluegrass Institute participated in an event hosted by the Christian Home Educators of Kentucky (CHEK) to raise awareness of the potential threats to Kentucky's educational sovereignty created by the state's adoption of Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

These standards are a one-sized-fits-every-state educational curriculum to which the commonwealth acquiesced before the standards were even finalized. Not only is it concerning that the feds coerced states like Kentucky - prone to accepting every federal carrot dangled in front of their noses - into accepting the standards, the efficacy of this curriculum is also under dispute as at least five of the 29 members of the CCSS validation committee refused to sign on in support.

Tomorrow, the Bluegrass Institute's very own educational analyst, Dick Innes, will speak on this very topic at the second day of the CHEK conference in Louisville, KY.

What: Christian Home Educators of Kentucky Conference, a lecture on the perils of the Common Core State Standards

Who: Dick Innes, Educational Analyst for the Bluegrass Institute

When: Saturday, June 14 at 11 AM

Where: Valley View Church, Conference Room A. 8911 Third Street Rd. Louisville, KY. 40272So come on out and learn about this important issue.