Final action on the deficient social studies standards revision starts in the legislature tomorrow

The very deficient revision of Kentucky’s social studies standards will be reviewed by the legislature’s Administrative Regs Review Subcommittee tomorrow, and so far, the main stream media has said nothing about the obvious problems like omissions of key figures like Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, the absence of basic content such as insuring all students know our planet has a North Pole and a South Pole and, at a very basic level and as we have previously reported, coverage of only four of the 13 major disciplines that are supposed to be included in social studies.

I know one opposed teacher, who happens to be Kentucky’s History Teacher of the Year for 2011, won’t be there due to KPREP testing in his school. He is sending comments to the committee.

I wonder if anyone else even cares. If so, the meeting is at 1pm Eastern Time in the Capitol Annex in Frankfort.

Here is a list of the committee members on the Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee. these are hot links that provide contact information.

Stephen West - (S) - Co-Chair

David Hale - (H) - Co-Chair

Julie Raque Adams - (S)

Perry B. Clark - (S)

Alice Forgy Kerr - (S)

Deanna Frazier - (H)

Mary Lou Marzian - (H)

Tommy Turner - (H)