Frustration with Common Core growing
One of the big problems with the Common Core State Standards isn’t so much with the statements themselves, but rather this shock to the education system re-opened a door to failed Progressive Education teaching theories that didn’t work in the past and are causing just as much trouble today. Common Core did nothing to prevent these bad ideas from coming back into schools yet again, and the real cost is hitting children.
This picture from photographer Kelly Poynter says a whole lot; it along with Poynter’s explanation is going viral.
I have been assembling a notebook with some of the more questionable examples of bad test questions and workbook exercises that have emerged under the umbrella of Common Core. I have no doubt that the anguish in this child’s face is being repeated massively across the country as both teachers and children are forced to struggle once again with some very bad ideas about math instruction that were found right here in Kentucky during the early days of KERA. These failed approaches should have gone away a long time ago, and it is very disappointing to see them appearing – yet again – because the education community will not itself learn.