Innes talks new college entrance test with 55KRC’s Brian Thomas on Thursday

Bluegrass Institute staff education analyst Richard Innes will talk about the new Vector A.R.C. college entrance test with 55KRC talk show host Brian Thomas at 8:05 am Eastern Daylight Time tomorrow.
The Vector A.R.C. (Assessment of Readiness for College) is a new test intended as an alternative for the SAT and the ACT. Both of those college entrance tests have been generating a lot of concern among parents due to their reported alignment to the Common Core State Standards and additional issues regarding sharing of student data that both assessments collect.
Innes and Thomas will be talking about those issues on Thursday, April 14, 2016, and sharing quotes from some students who recently took the Vector A.R.C. in Cincinnati, as well.
If you are in the 55KRC listening area near Cincinnati, you can tune in at 550 AM.WKRC also webcasts the show, so anyone with Internet access can access the show here.55KRC is an iHeartRadio station and should be accessible with app-enabled cell phones, too.