It’s not news to our readers, but real spending on education in Kentucky is up from 2002

The Reason Foundation just published a series of articles about the increase in education spending across the nation since 2002 through 2019. They use the same US Census Bureau series of statistics we have often referenced to determine the real spending information shown in their Table 1 in their lead article in this series. Not only is real education spending in Kentucky up, but the state actually ranks 15th (not counting the DC system) for the increase.

Reason Foundation Table 1 on Education Spending Increases 2002 to 2019.jpg

As you can see, Reason indicates the real spending increase on K-12 education in Kentucky is up 27.99% since 2002 as of 2019, the latest data available to Reason.

The point here is that independent research teams are coming to the same conclusions we have been showing you for some time (such as here, here and here). Kentucky’s overall spending for K-12 education is up, and there is just no way around that truth.