Jim Waters and Terry Meiners discuss the new lawsuit challenging charter school funding in Kentucky on WHAS 840 radio
You can hear the discussion Jim Waters had with WHAS 804 Radio host Terry Meiners here.
Terry wanted evidence of charter school performance, and Jim mentioned we have a number of examples at the Bluegrass Institute.
Some blogs of interest include:
Oh, My! Blacks in Georgia's Charter Schools Now Tie Kentucky's White Students in Math and Reading!
Who says charter schools don’t perform? Take a look at a New York City story!
Charter schools in Atlanta do much better for black students for half the cost
New NAEP shows charter schools in Cleveland also outperforming
Charter school shocker! Cleveland charters do much better for black students
NAEP shows another charter school myth just isn’t so (About discrimination of students with disabilities)
There’re still more blogs about charter schools in the Bluegrass Policy Blog. You can use Google or Bing to search for “Bluegrass Institute AND charter schools” to find them.
The Florida report
Jim also mentioned our related report about how school choice in general in Florida didn’t hurt the public school system. You can read Florida Versus Kentucky: School choice improves public school performance, too to learn more.