New analysis of Jefferson County Public Schools spending, performance finds increasingly less bang for increasingly more bucks Education SpendingJim WatersApril 1, 2024NAEP, KSA, ACT data, Achievement Gaps
No research shows private school choice is a better strategy? EducationRichard InnesFebruary 19, 2024NAEP, School Choice, Private School Choice, Parent Satisfaction
KET show provides an example why parents need real school choice EducationRichard InnesAugust 31, 2023KET, Reading Instruction, Reading Academies, NAEP, DePaul School
Still no electric circuits in Kentucky’s public school science standards EducationRichard InnesJuly 17, 2023Kentucky Science Standards, Kentucky Academic Standards for Science, NAEP
Kentucky’s education system: Is it time to declare a State of Emergency? Bluegrass Beacon, School ChoiceJim WatersJuly 5, 2023North Carolina, NAEP
Wow! Catholic schools outperforming EducationRichard InnesJune 28, 2023school choice, catholic schools, NAEP
The story about improvement in reading in Mississippi continues to get better EducationRichard InnesJune 23, 2023NAEP, Mississippi Reading Reform, Grade 8 Reading Improvement in Mississippi
With COVID and a new Kentucky state assessment program hitting us at the same time, what can we make from the latest school assessment results? EducationRichard InnesJune 7, 2023KPREP, KSA, NAEP, Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress, Kentucky Summative Assessments, National Assesment of Educational Progress
Educators who create the NAEP think fourth graders should know about Lewis and Clark EducationRichard InnesMay 13, 2023NAEP, Social Studies Standards, Lewis and Clark Expedition
Common Core state tests don’t produce “common” results EducationRichard InnesMarch 21, 2023NAEP, State Education Tests, PARCC, SBAC
Here's a modern history maker - Blacks in Georgia's charter schools tied Kentucky's white students in math and reading in 2019 EducationRichard InnesFebruary 6, 2023Georgia Charter Blacks Tie Kentucky's whites, Achievement Gaps, NAEP
The history of white minus Black achievement gaps in Kentucky is unacceptable – Grade 4 Reading EducationRichard InnesFebruary 2, 2023NAEP, Kentucky NAEP Grade 4 Reading Achievement Gaps
School choice helps traditional public schools, too! – Part II EducationRichard InnesJanuary 28, 2023NAEP, Florida V. Kentucky, School Choice Helps Traditional Schools, too
School choice works for kids who attend private schools, too EducationRichard InnesJanuary 26, 2023Private V. Public Schools, NAEP, Achievement Gaps, School Choice, School Choice Week
School choice helps traditional public schools, too! EducationRichard InnesJanuary 25, 2023School Choice, Choice Does Not Hurt Traditional Schools, NAEP, NAEP Grade 4 Reading, Florida Improvement
It’s National School Choice Week. It's also time to allow Kentucky's students to join the school-choice success bandwagon. EducationRichard InnesJanuary 24, 2023School Choice, Charter Schools, Charters Cutting Achievement Gaps, NAEP
Wow! Hispanic students in Florida’s charter schools have eliminated their achievement gap with Kentucky’s white students EducationRichard InnesJanuary 20, 2023Charter Schools, Achievement Gaps, NAEP
Yes, the achievement gaps continue years after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. raised concerns about education EducationRichard InnesJanuary 15, 2023NAEP, Achievement Gap, Kentucky's Rank for NAEP Reading, Kentucky's Rank for NAEP Math
Jim Waters and Terry Meiners discuss the new lawsuit challenging charter school funding in Kentucky on WHAS 840 radio EducationRichard InnesJanuary 12, 2023Charter Schools, Terry Meiners Show, WHAS 840 Radio, NAEP, Cleveland, Atlanta Charter Schools, KY Lawsuit Over Charter Schools
You can’t make good decisions with the wrong data EducationRichard InnesDecember 14, 2022NAEP, Kentucky Board of Education, Kentucky's Ranking for Education