KET show provides an example why parents need real school choice EducationRichard InnesAugust 31, 2023KET, Reading Instruction, Reading Academies, NAEP, DePaul School
Bluegrass Beacon: New pension paradigm protects taxpayers, benefits workers Bluegrass BeaconJim WatersJanuary 5, 2018BIPPS pension reform, KET, TRSComment
Bluegrass Beacon - Pension deliberations: Nothing but uncomfortable Bluegrass BeaconJim WatersOctober 11, 2017KET, Pension reform, Speaker Hoover, TransparencyComment
Bluegrass Scholar to appear tonight on KET Reduce Government Spen...Jim WatersSeptember 23, 2013Brian Strow, Debt ceiling, Kentucky Tonight, KETComment
Squawking about pension reform doesn’t make it so MediaJune 6, 2013KET, Public Pension Reform Comments
Video: BIPPS talks public employee pension reform on KET's Kentucky Tonight Media, Reduce Government Spen..., Transparency and Accou...Jim WatersMay 14, 2013Future Shock, Jim Waters, Kentucky Tonight, KET, Public Pension ReformComment
Action Alert: We need your help on KET tonight! Reduce Government Spen..., Smaller Government, Transparency and Accou...Jim WatersMay 13, 2013Future Shock, Kentucky Tonight, KET, Pension reformComment
Institute Board of Scholars chairman on KET Increase Free Markets, Reduce Government Spen...Jim WatersApril 30, 2013Bluegrass Institute Board of Scholars, board of scholars, John Garen, Kentucky Tonight, KETComment
BIPPS talks pension reform with KET's Bill Goodman MediaJim WatersDecember 14, 2012Bill Goodman, Future Shock, Jim Waters, KET, Pension reform, Public PensionsComment
BIPPS on WHAS and KET today MediaDecember 3, 2012Bluegrass Monday, Fiscal Cliff, Jim Waters, Kentucky Tonight, KET, WHASComment
Video: Jim Waters discusses the federal budget on KET Media, Reduce Government Spen..., Smaller GovernmentJim WatersSeptember 11, 2012federal budget, Jim Waters, Kentucky Tonight, KET Comment
Video: Education analyst Richard Innes on KET's 'Kentucky Tonight' Education, Smaller GovernmentJim WatersFebruary 7, 2012Dropouts, Kentucky Tonight, KET, Richard InnesComment
Video: State imposed smoking ban debated on KET Increase Free Markets, Smaller GovernmentJim WatersDecember 20, 2011Kentucky Tonight, KET, smoking bansComment