State Budget — Blog — The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions
Bluegrass Institute analysis of K-12 spending: Less bang for billions of Kentucky taxpayers’ bucks
New Year’s wish for the ’24 legislature: Yield not to spending temptations
More for taxpayers means more for government, too
KYGA23: Week Four
Bill creates needed tax-incentive oversight board
Symphony of spending off-key, full of wrong notes
Pension spiking problems persist
Best practices for a better Kentucky: Keep ‘rainy day’ fund pedal to the medal
Best practices for a better Kentucky: Managing debt
#KYGA22 wrap-up: Historic year for Kentucky’s budget, school choice and tax reform
Budget, Center for Open Govern..., Education Reform, Education, Increase Free Markets, Reduce Government Spen..., School Choice, State Budget, Taxes, Transparency and Accou...Guest User
#KYGA22 Update: budget, tax reform, and charter school funding bills all heading to governor
#KYGA22 Week 11: Senate disconnects KyWired; charter school-funding stalls; bipartisan boost for BIPPS-backed reading policy
#KYGA week 10: Budget, vaccine mandates and civility are addressed
#KYGA week 9: Charter funding bill filed, tax reform sails through
Budget, COVID-19, Education, Education Reform, Increase Free Markets, News, Reduce Government Spen..., School Choice, State Budget, Taxes, TransportationGuest User
HCR 81 would establish the ‘Debt Affordability Task Force’ in Kentucky
#KYGA22 Week 3: House passes budget bills, Senate approves literacy legislation and redistricting vetoes overridden
Transportation budget is an unprecedented investment in Kentucky's infrastructure -- accomplished without raising taxes.
#22GA week 2: Western Kentucky gets disaster relief, important literacy bill introduced, governor gives his budget address
House GOP budget: 3 things to like & 2 things to scrap
Reform current pension benefits, ensure systems' future survival