Featured News — Blog — The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions
Bluegrass Institute issues statement on court decision regarding new school choice law, opportunity accounts
2021 Legislative Wrap Up
Bluegrass Institute, Budget, Center for Open Govern..., Education, Education Reform, Labor, News, Reduce Government Spen..., Right to Work, School Choice, State Budget, Taxes, Transparency and Accou..., Featured News, Open Meetings, PensionsGuest User
BIPPS’ plan for KERS quasi government agencies praised in new report
MEDIA ALERT: Report finds credibility issues, minimal information in Kentucky’s new school financial reports
Kentucky politicians raised taxes by a half-billion dollars during this year's legislative session
Kentucky legislators have an opportunity to be a hero to their taxpayers by supporting scholarship state tax credits
Kentucky Can't Wait 100+ Years to Improve Our Schools
News release: Gov.-elect Bevin’s principled platform features many of the Bluegrass Institute’s signature policy solutions
Election, Event, Featured NewsJim Waters2015 General Election, Alison Lundergan Grimes, Allison Ball, Andy Beshear, Attorney General Jack Conway, Gov--elect Matt Bevin, Jenean Hampton, Mike Harmon, Ryan Quarles
Bluegrass Beacon: Magazine’s award no reason to pop bubbly
Minimum Wage Report
You can't be 'conservative' and advocate for the Nanny State, too
Could those testifying at Ky's legislative committee hearings be forced to take an oath? Really?
Is Kentucky really one of America's most corrupt states?
Bluegrass Institute welcomes new Vice President of Policy Initiatives
Legalize School Choice campaign: The debates go on
USA Today Publishes BIPPS: Opposing Cigarette Tax Increases
New Report: Does Kentucky’s ‘Unbridled Learning’ school accountability program leave minorities behind?
Freedom is the best legacy. #GivingTuesday
Legalize School Choice
Auditor: Former Dayton Independent superintendent got almost $250,000 in unauthorized payments