Unmask COVID-19 funding for states Bluegrass Beacon, Transparency and Accou...August 21, 2020COVID-19, Federal bailout, Paycheck Protection Program, Pension reform
Bluegrass Beacon: Adkins could reap millions in pension windfall Bluegrass Beacon, Election, PensionsJim WatersMay 24, 20192019 election, Adkins, Greed Bill, Pension reform
Bluegrass Beacon: Salvation for sins of the pension fathers Bluegrass Beacon, PensionsMay 17, 2019Pension reform, QERSComment
News Alert: Bipartisan opposition to Louisville mayor's tax-hike proposal gives taxpayers a rare win in the liberal enclave News, PensionsMarch 22, 2019Metro Council tax vote, Pension reformComment
Upcoming legislative session likely to examine several Bluegrass Institute interests in education Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesJanuary 3, 2019charter schools, Pension reform, SBDM Councils, Scholarship Tax Credits, school choice, taxesComment
Bluegrass Beacon: Voters got it right … again Bluegrass BeaconNovember 16, 20182018 Election, Pension reformComment
Bluegrass Beacon: Boosting term limits, busting bad homeschooling bills Bluegrass Beacon, Education, PensionsJim WatersMarch 21, 2018common core, Homeschooling, Pension reform, Rep- Chris Harris, Sen- Joe Bowen, Term limitsComment
Bluegrass Beacon: Will pension funding engulf entire budget? Bluegrass Beacon, State Budget, PensionsJim WatersJanuary 29, 2018Budget deficit, Pension funding, Pension reform, Spending cuts Comment
Bluegrass Beacon - Pension deliberations: Nothing but uncomfortable Bluegrass BeaconJim WatersOctober 11, 2017KET, Pension reform, Speaker Hoover, TransparencyComment
What if Kentucky Raised Its Education Level Just a Little Bit? Education, News, State Budget, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesOctober 4, 2017Education, Pension reform Comment
Bluegrass Beacon: Actuarial integrity key to repairing pension bridge PensionsAugust 4, 2017Actuarial Integrity, Bluegrass Beacon, Jim Waters, Pension reformComment
Bluegrass Institute pushes pension reform @ Georgetown PensionsAugust 2, 2017Jim Waters, Pension reform, Speaking engagementsComment
Quote of the Day: Detroit better than Kentucky on pensions? PensionsJune 30, 2014Pension reform, Public PensionsComment
StudentsFirst rank Kentucky low for state education policies EducationRichard InnesJanuary 17, 2014charter schools, Education, Pension reform, school choice, teachersComment
Bluegrass Institute’s Kentucky Legislative Economics Seminar: Maurice McTigue Education, Smaller Government, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesSeptember 19, 2013Future Shock, Pension reform, Reduce Government Spending, state budget, taxesComment
Bluegrass Institute’s Kentucky Legislative Economics Seminar Increase Free Markets, Reduce Government Spen..., Smaller Government, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesSeptember 13, 2013Future Shock, Pension reform, Public Pensions, Reduce Government Spending, state budget, taxesComment
Herald-Leader calls for transparency and push back Transparency and Accou...Jim WatersAugust 5, 2013Lexington Herald-Leader, Pension reform, TransparencyComment
Kentucky's per capita unfunded public pension liability is one of the worst in the nation NewsJim WatersJuly 24, 2013Pension reform, pensions, Public Pensions Comments
Pension reform & political will Reduce Government Spen..., Smaller GovernmentJim WatersJune 5, 2013cn|2, Future Shock, Pension reformComment
Action Alert: We need your help on KET tonight! Reduce Government Spen..., Smaller Government, Transparency and Accou...Jim WatersMay 13, 2013Future Shock, Kentucky Tonight, KET, Pension reformComment