Blog — The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions
MEDIA ALERT: Report finds credibility issues, minimal information in Kentucky’s new school financial reports
Denying charter schools ‘a form of institutional racism’
More than 90,000 jobless claims unresolved despite $17 million no-bid contract
Return ‘balance’ to ‘balance of power’
‘Clear and convincing’ missing from proposed amendments on Kentucky's ballot
Bluegrass Institute supports former state education board members' request to recall, revise social studies standards
Legislators must limit scope of emergency executive power
Unmask COVID-19 funding for states
Return to bustling economy rather than turning to D.C.
Media Alert: More than 38,000 taxpayers sign petition to recall huge JCPS tax hike
News Release: Kentucky Pastors Coalition endorses ‘School Choice Now Act’
Bluegrass Institute, Education, Education Reform, Increase Free Markets, News, School Choice, Individual LibertyAchievement Gaps, Education, Jefferson County, KPAC, Persistently Low Achieving Schools, Scholarship Tax Credits, school choice, US Senate
Taking liberty to the airwaves: BIPPS CEO talks closings, school choice
COVID-19 crisis: A terrible thing to waste
Bluegrass Institute President and CEO Jim Waters comments on reopening Kentucky public schools
Let parents use SEEK dollars for online learning options
Court affirms small program, fuels national movement
Media Alert - Beshear should practice his own ‘better together’ mantra: Replace unilateral edicts with legislative collaboration
COVID-19 relief to private schools will help public ones, too
A message from Jim Waters on the JCPS tax hike
Revisit history standards, lack of school choice