Posts tagged school choice
Why school choice? Just look at the latest math evidence from education-choice-rich Florida
Why Kentucky needs school choice
Wow! Catholic schools outperforming
KYGA23: Week Three
School choice’s legacy: Segregation or integration?
Opponents’ fibs falter in view of school choice facts
Learning pods: Retro, yet innovative, school choice
What is School Choice and why doesn't Kentucky have it?
Education Reform, Education, School ChoiceGuest Userschool choice, school choice week, charter schools, charters, scholarship tax credits, learning pods, open enrollment, vouchers, education, education opportunity
Charter schools in Atlanta do much better for black students for half the cost
What Louisville's Black Leaders Say About Their Schools – William Mansfield
What Louisville's Black Pastors Say About Their Schools – Pastor Derek Wilson
Bluegrass Institute and KY Pastors in Action Coalition host US Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos
Quote of the Day – Plus – COVID-19 capsized the case against school choice
News Release: Kentucky Pastors Coalition endorses ‘School Choice Now Act’
Bluegrass Institute, Education, Education Reform, Increase Free Markets, News, School Choice, Individual LibertyAchievement Gaps, Education, Jefferson County, KPAC, Persistently Low Achieving Schools, Scholarship Tax Credits, school choice, US Senate
Given the chaos with opening of Kentucky’s public schools, do parents have other options?
School opening in Kentucky – Still lots of questions with few answers
K to 12 talks about doing distance learning, but why aren’t people checking out Kentucky’s own, 15-year-old distance learning program?
Is Florida’s governor crazy? He’s further increasing school choice in his state while Kentucky’s public school types tell us that kills public education
Busing madness in Louisville some seem to want to ignore
Schools struggling to recover from COVID-19