Bluegrass Institute — Blog — The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions
Posts in Bluegrass Institute
Looking back @ #KyGA23, ahead to #KyGA24
KYGA23: Week Five
Transportation Cabinet awards over $485 million in '22 single-bid contracts: Investigation needed into 'tainted relationship'
MEDIA ALERT: Bluegrass Institute issues statement on Kentucky Supreme Court ruling striking down school choice
#KYGA22 Week 5: Kentucky Wired, literacy, vehicle tax relief bills move forward
#KYGA22 Week 4: School Choice Week; school board comment bill and constitutional amendment moves forward
Bluegrass Institute issues statement on court decision regarding new school choice law, opportunity accounts
MEDIA ALERT: Bluegrass Institute issues statement on next week’s special legislative session
Could constitutional amendment help balance power in Frankfort?
CRT a trojan horse to downgrade liberty
Constitutional law professor, founder of UofL’s Ordered Liberty Program, joins Bluegrass Institute Board of Scholars
What Milton Wright knew about reading instruction, but lots of teachers apparently don’t
2021 Legislative Wrap Up
Bluegrass Institute, Budget, Center for Open Govern..., Education, Education Reform, Labor, News, Reduce Government Spen..., Right to Work, School Choice, State Budget, Taxes, Transparency and Accou..., Featured News, Open Meetings, PensionsGuest User
Bills limiting gubernatorial power pass in first week of 2021 session
BIPPS’ plan for KERS quasi government agencies praised in new report
Report: Economic freedom best path to make Kentucky competitive again
MEDIA ALERT: Report finds credibility issues, minimal information in Kentucky’s new school financial reports
BIPPS and KY Black pastors join US Education Secretary Betsy DeVos in calling for education reform now
Bluegrass Institute supports former state education board members' request to recall, revise social studies standards
News Release: Kentucky Pastors Coalition endorses ‘School Choice Now Act’
Bluegrass Institute, Education, Education Reform, Increase Free Markets, News, School Choice, Individual LibertyAchievement Gaps, Education, Jefferson County, KPAC, Persistently Low Achieving Schools, Scholarship Tax Credits, school choice, US Senate