Is Kentucky’s government hip pocketing money meant for kids?
School-level financial reporting – Why we need it
Another Kentucky School Report Card Issue – Just try following the money
Where does this JCPS funding claim come from?
“They” claim education spending is down -- Federal data says it isn’t so
Which type of school gets more funding – charter or traditional?
Education, Education Reform, Transparency and Accou...Richard Innescharter schools, Education, Jefferson County, NAEP, school choice, School Funding, taxes, testing
How does Jefferson County’s school spending rank among the nation’s largest school districts?
Do low-poverty school districts in Kentucky get more money?
Suppressing KY Board of Education questions regarding oversight of JCPS isn’t transparency
Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard Innesbusing, Education, JCPS busing policy, Jefferson County, Kentucky Board of Education, Louisville, taxes, Transparency
The inconsistency in the state board of education’s ill-advised termination of its finance committee
Improved education financial transparency now at risk thanks to new state board’s decision
Big school money embezzlement in Franklin County
Shortchanging the taxpayer on the full information
Charter school critics claim there’s no financial transparency for charter schools – they need to look at the non-reporting Kentucky gets for its regular public schools
When will Kentucky get actionable school financial data to comply with its constitution?
When will Kentucky get actionable school financial data to comply with its constitution?
Once again, nonsense about Kentucky’s spending on education – at least according to the KY Dept. of Ed’s data
Did Kentucky cut education funding after 2008 – Not hardly – the 2018 update
Where does Kentucky’s teachers’ union get its “stuff?”
Education Week: ‘In These States, You Can Now See How Much Districts Spent on Each School’