Posts tagged Jefferson County
Charter schools in Atlanta do much better for black students for half the cost
Bluegrass Institute and KY Pastors in Action Coalition host US Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos
Is the Jefferson County Public School District a failure?
News Release: Kentucky Pastors Coalition endorses ‘School Choice Now Act’
Bluegrass Institute, Education, Education Reform, Increase Free Markets, News, School Choice, Individual LibertyAchievement Gaps, Education, Jefferson County, KPAC, Persistently Low Achieving Schools, Scholarship Tax Credits, school choice, US Senate
Where does this JCPS funding claim come from?
Busing madness in Louisville some seem to want to ignore
Which type of school gets more funding – charter or traditional?
Education, Education Reform, Transparency and Accou...Richard Innescharter schools, Education, Jefferson County, NAEP, school choice, School Funding, taxes, testing
How does Jefferson County’s school spending rank among the nation’s largest school districts?
Shocking statistics on JCPS busing bias get more disturbing
More on question-stifling with the reconstituted KY Board of Education
Suppressing KY Board of Education questions regarding oversight of JCPS isn’t transparency
Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard Innesbusing, Education, JCPS busing policy, Jefferson County, Kentucky Board of Education, Louisville, taxes, Transparency
The Corona Virus and ‘Emergency Remote Teaching’ – The Data
Where’s JCPS?
Education, Media, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesEducation, Jefferson County, Louisville, NAEP, sbdm, School Based Decision Making, School Councils
2019 ACT-Tested High School Graduate Reports Are Out – First Look Isn’t Good
No, high poverty doesn’t always lead to poorer school performance, especially for minorities
Quote of the Day – On not excusing weak school test results with poverty
Kentucky Commissioner of Education Wayne Lewis explains his concerns about the Jefferson County Public School System
Bill's passage means Jefferson County superintendent has final say on school principal selection
How’s that? Louisville parents want more school choice and less busing!!!
Kentucky needs better high school diploma quality