School Councils — Blog — The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions
Posts tagged School Councils
Where can you find that Bluegrass Institute education report?
Kentucky's school based decision making - 2 - Some background
Kentucky needs to rework school based decision making - 1
Where’s JCPS?
Education, Media, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesEducation, Jefferson County, Louisville, NAEP, sbdm, School Based Decision Making, School Councils
Bill to fix problems with Kentucky’s School Based Decision Making law moves out of Senate
Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesComprehensive Support and Improvement, Education, NAEP, Persistently Low Achieving Schools, SB-7, sbdm, SBDM Councils, School Councils, Senate Bill 7, Site Base Councils
Quote of the day – Pertains to both reading instruction and Kentucky’s problematic school council system
Like I said, Parents are getting even less interested in school councils
Bill to return rationality to governance of Kentucky’s schools filed
Parents getting even less interested in Kentucky’s school councils
Another group of Kentucky parents learning the sad facts of life about school council authority
School-Based Decision-Making (SBDM) and Kentucky’s proposed social studies standards
Bill's passage means Jefferson County superintendent has final say on school principal selection
No, parent participation in school council elections isn’t like voter participation in the last governor’s race
School Councils: One area where parents choose NOT to participate in Kentucky’s traditional schools
Engage parents the right way – But Kentucky’s SBDMs are not that way
Quote of the Day – RE: Quality online education material
Do parents really care about Kentucky’s school councils?
More from the Twittersphere
Boone County educators hit for violations of school council (SBDM) laws
Legislative committee discusses Kentucky’s school councils – Boone Co. Board Chair Ed Massey