labor — Blog — The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions
Even Kentucky shows great public school innovation can come from outside of the public school community
Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesAchievement Gaps, Advanced Placement, AdvanceKentucky, charter schools, Education, Jefferson County, labor, school choice, teachers, Transparency
Kentucky House Minority Whip Jim DeCesare on Right-to-Work
Harris v. Quinn: Right-to-work implications for Kentucky
Associated Press: Minimum Wage Report Puts Democrats on Defensive
Bluegrass Institute welcomes new Vice President of Policy Initiatives
Who prevails with the prevailing wage?
Morally opposed to your union's activity?
How do you leave your union?
You DO have workplace rights!
Do you HAVE to be a union member?
Workplace rights, Part 1
News Alert: Forty organizations join together for National Employee Freedom Week, remind workers of their options regarding union membership
Even Kentucky’s ‘Golden Triangle’ manufacturers struggle to find educated workers
Jefferson County Schools central office cleanup saves millions
Right-to-work: Increased momentum?
Cafe Hayek on public-sector labor unions
Thursday's Lexington Forum debate on 'right to work' features BIPPS vice chairman, Lexington attorney
Education Commissioner admits increase in health care benefits unsustainable
Quote of the day: Prevailing wage policies are costly
The dangers of prevailing wage policies at UK