Bluegrass Institute analysis of K-12 spending: Less bang for billions of Kentucky taxpayers’ bucks Education Reform, Education Spending, School Choice, State BudgetJim WatersFebruary 12, 2024KERA, Education Efficiency
MEDIA ALERT: Legislative action needed to limit governor’s power, ‘depoliticize’ Kentucky’s public education system Education, LegalApril 3, 2020Houchens v Beshear, Kentucky Board of Education, KERA, Senate Bill 10
Bluegrass Beacon: Will governor strike out on board disruption? Bluegrass Beacon, Education, Education ReformFebruary 28, 2020Gov Beshear's e0xecutive orders, Kentucky Board of Education, KERA
Another Kentucky school district passes on into history Education, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesNovember 15, 2019Education, KERA
The Rose court case reaffirmed Kentucky should have an efficient school system Education, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesJune 13, 2019Education, KERA, Rose Court Case, Teacher Salaries, teachers, Teachers AidesComment
KY Higher Ed Chief: KERA needs major revisions Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesJune 8, 2018Achievement Gaps, Education, Jefferson County, KERA, sbdm, SBDM CouncilsComment
Quote of the Day Robert King on KERA Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesJune 6, 2018Education, Kentucky Education Reform Act of 1990, KERAComment
NAEP 2017 – Overall Kentucky’s performance flat to declining Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesApril 10, 2018Common Core State Standards, KERA, NAEPComment
SB 55 contains common-sense reforms for school council policy EducationJim WatersFebruary 18, 2018KASC, KEA, KERA, SB 55, SBDM CouncilsComment
Bluegrass Beacon: Councils just another failed fad of KERA Bluegrass Beacon, EducationJim WatersFebruary 11, 2018KERA, Rep- Jody Richards, SBDM Councils, Sen- John SchickelComment
Bluegrass Beacon - Missing: Checks and balances for school council Transparency and Accou...Jim WatersMay 13, 2017KERA, OEA, sbdm, School board members, Sen- John SchickelComment
Bluegrass Beacon: KERA architect spreads fake news about education climb Education, School ChoiceJim WatersApril 7, 2017charter schools, Florida black students' performance, HB 520, KERA, NAEP dataComment
BIPPS in Lexington Herald-Leader: Challenging KERA's 'success' Education, School ChoiceJim WatersMarch 20, 2017Academic achievement gap, charter schools, David Hornbeck, KERAComment
Bold new evidence: Kentucky does not lead the nation for education improvement Education, News, Transparency and Accou...Richard InnesMarch 12, 2017Achievement Gaps, charter schools, Education, KERA, NAEP, school choice Comments
Bluegrass Institute report raises strong concerns about continued achievement gaps and graduation failures in Jefferson County Education, NewsJim WatersFebruary 29, 2016Blacks Still Falling Through the Gaps, EXPLORE, Grad rates, JCPS, K-PREP, KERA, PLAN, Social promotionComment
Education reform: After 25 years, are we getting bang for our bucks? EducationJim WatersMay 10, 2014education spending, KERA, Leon Mooneyhan, NAEP, Richard InnesComment