Kentucky Board of Education honors Billy Harper for service

Harper Getting Award from Karem and Holliday 9Oct12

Harper Getting Award from Karem and Holliday 9Oct12

(Even though Governor Beshear didn’t reappoint him to the board)

Billy Harper, industrialist, BIPPS friend and long-time booster of education in Kentucky was honored at today’s Kentucky Board of Education meeting for his four years of service on that board.

Harper only served one term on the board when Governor Steve Beshear chose not to reappoint the board’s sole heavy industry member to serve again.

In his acceptance comments at today’s ceremony, Harper noted his concerns regarding “pushback” and “business involvement” regarding board activities.

Harper was noted for his willingness to explore important but challenging and sometimes contentious topics of discussion. Some fear that his non-selection for a second term sends the wrong message to other board members who want to speak out.

Harper’s departure also leaves the board devoid of any currently working members of the business community.

You can’t keep a good man down, however. Harper will remain involved with an effort to enhance funding for education.

Billy, congratulations on carrying the ball for kids for the past four years, and best wishes as you continue to work for the children of Kentucky. The award you received today shows Kentucky Board of Education members will miss you.