Kentucky Energy Equation - Kentucky court takes cue from feds in upholding personal liberty



This week the Kentucky Supreme Court found that denizens of the Bluegrass State do indeed have the right to defend their property from the unilateral rulings of Gov. Beshear and the Kentucky Cabinet for Energy and the Environment. Though disappointing that such a fundamental right was actually disputed in court, it's a victory for smaller government and public accountability.

This ruling reflects a similar Federal Supreme Court ruling that allows US citizens to challenge the Environmental Protection Agency's unilateral edicts in a court of law. Commenting on the unanimous verdict Kentucky Justice Lisabeth Hughes Abramson wrote, "Federal law encourages the states to permit interested citizens to intervene and be heard in state court enforcement proceedings...

Congress's express declaration that public participation in efforts to control water pollution is a priority of the Clean Water Act."

It's refreshing to see Kentucky officials take a cue from federal government for a change, in an effort to promote personal liberty and smaller government.