Kentucky Energy Equation - Kentucky's showdown with EPA set for June
The date for the next match-up between Kentucky energy officials and the Environmental Protection Agency has been set for June 5th and 7th in Frankfurt and Pikeville, KY. To the winner will go the spoils - sovereignty over Kentucky's energy sector. For the sake of Kentuckians and local businesses who have depended for decades on the low energy rates provided by Kentucky coal, let's hope the 9th and 10th Amendments come out victorious in June.
Kentucky officials have been battling for state sovereignty over Bluegrass energy for the past three years. Gov. Beshear joined the fight in 2010 when he filed suit against the EPA for blocking mining permits approved by Kentucky's officials. It took nearly two years to receive a hearing from the EPA, but those mighty bureaucrats will finally grace us with their presence in June.
But they're not likely receive a hero's welcome from those Kentuckians who have been living under their unilateral mandates for years. And why should they?