Kentucky Energy Equation Quote of the Day

kentucky energy equation


"President Obama, acting through the EPA, has stifled the mining industry.  EPA’s strangulation by regulation is the cause for today’s hearing but it is by no means the only front in this Administration’s War on Coal. "Indeed, the Obama Administration is attacking coal on all numerous fronts.  In Kentucky, EPA is delaying, denying, or obstructing the permits needed to extract it from the ground.  Nationwide, EPA is imposing regulations on power plant emissions that are unworkable and unaffordable in hopes of drowning this industry in billions of dollars of new regulations.  At the same time, EPA is attempting to re-classify coal ash left-over after combustion as a hazardous waste, which is directly counter to the EPA’s own scientific findings.  This last case is particularly informative.  As EPA attacks coal at every stage of its life cycle, from extraction to disposal, it is doing so with little regard for science or environmental protection. For EPA, it’s about ending coal first and protecting the environment second."

- Congressman Brett Guthrie's statement for the EPA Coal Mine Permitting Hearings